Cumberland helped many of the Bristol artists through recommendations and introductions to his influential friends.
So we get a lot of good applicants coming through word-of-mouth recommendations.
You may be able to source other training providers locally through your own research or recommendations from others.
It was through the successful conclusion of cases, recommendations from superiors, or political activities that investigators usually earned promotions.
The film demonstrates how this growth has come through recommendations and via existing clients seeking further work.
It also helps kids discover new shows through recommendations from leading national children's organizations.
Contribute to the improvement of healthcare in the nation through policy study and recommendations.
Like most professionals, financial planners are best found through recommendations from friends and business associates.
I've also discovered a few through recommendations - buying the books secondhand very cheaply (which, of course, does not benefit the author).
It would be best, however, if this cooperation were formulated through recommendations and conventions at a pan-European level.