The story gained in popularity during the first half of the 17th century, primarily in Germany through various theatrical settings.
Therefore the random number cannot be removed through settings.
Bignose sets off on an adventure through numerous prehistoric settings.
The menu system is relatively simple to use, making use of a scroll wheel to go through modes and settings on the camera.
The single-player story mode sends the player through various historical settings to face off against legions of monsters.
Off-campus opportunities through city arts, local galleries and professional settings are also available.
The film's principals move through privileged settings and a series of small crises without often sacrificing their composure.
Privacy concerns, look through the G+ settings, which are simple and intuitive, compared to Facebook.
The opera presents a portrait of Ginsberg through settings of his poetry.
The player moves around through various scenes and settings, interacting with other characters to gain information or engage in combat.