This little boy could speak two or three languages before he lost his hearing through sickness, and he is now only about five years old.
Research has, however, pointed to significantly less absenteeism from school through sickness among children who live with pets.
They had seen each other through drought and famine and sickness.
You will be entitled to sick pay in respect of any absence from work through sickness.
Should any man lose any time through sickness he is to throw back 2s. per day to the Company and receive account at harvest.
"I've already lost several Romany workers through sickness since we began work around these makeshift sewage systems."
A, protection of income in the event of being unable to work through sickness.
Everyone at the table spends much of the summer helping turtles through birth, sickness and even death.
Death might be inflicted through sickness, an accident, or in some otherworldly manner.
The public sector has the worst record for absenteeism through sickness.