It's done through slides; in a national contest, it would be impossible for hundreds of participants to furnish the actual work for scrutiny.
"There are many flaws with learning architecture through slides," said Mr. Rattner, director of the institute.
It was the week before Christmas and I was in my Richmond office with my back to the door, sorting through slides in a carousel.
Michelle Piano, 30, introduced herself through slides of her previous work to show her evolution.
In 2012, he also began touring a one-man show detailing his life and career through slides, video, and live interaction titled "Riffing Myself".
I sift through slides.
The evening is given over to mission experience through film or slides, then night prayer followed by a social evening.
Lecturers can now read directly from their PowerPoint presentations, flipping through slides so quickly that it is impossible to take notes fast enough.
The story will be told through slides as the hour-long oratorio is performed by chorus, instruments, soloists and narrator.
All three directors also sift through portfolios and slides left by artists seeking shows.