Nothing peered out through streaks of dirt and swashes of clean black night.
Firesong stared through streaks of soot-stained white hair, his arms full of trembling firebird.
Tears tracked down her face, through the dust and streaks of food from the floor.
"You're going to go through streaks like this no matter how good you are," Pettitte said.
The car moved ahead slowly through alternate streaks of cream-rich evening light and stripes of dark tree-shadow.
Muphrid rose through banded streaks of cloud, which soon thickened to hide it in a high overcast.
I went through streaks more than anything.
I've seen teams go through streaks like this and you can't overcome it because you have an Atlanta or a Cleveland in the division.
Through streaks of scarlet I watched the gun crew slam the still smoking gun back against its tackle.
However, through uncanny streaks of luck, the situation always seems to work itself out for him, leaving him no worse than before.