For over a decade he had kept his family's Middle Eastern enterprises profitable, through takeovers, war and revolution.
As co-chairman of Goldman Sachs, they say, he helped create more jobs than were lost through mergers and takeovers.
Between 1948 and 1954, six presidents of Paraguay were overthrown through military takeovers.
Conglomerates came into being through takeovers and then, eager to diversify, accelerated the merger movement.
Sara Lee will grow through takeovers, he said.
He stayed through corporate takeovers until 1998.
Through leases, mergers, and takeovers, the line eventually became part of Conrail in 1976.
For that matter, I've helped my clients acquire a number of profitable enterprises through hostile takeovers in past years.
Within only five years, three gigantic groups have emerged in the United States through mergers and takeovers.
But the authors note that most direct foreign investment is done through takeovers.