It has been around through standards, taxes, tariffs and subsidies that made certain products more desirable for consumers than others.
Mercosur has economically benefited all its members by stimulating cross-border trade through lower tariffs.
He believes that we could finance the government through sales taxes, tariffs and duties.
This can happen through price floors, caps, taxes, tariffs, or quotas.
The Confederate government initially wanted to finance its war mostly through tariffs on imports, export taxes, and voluntary donations of gold.
Japan has a policy of full cost recovery for drinking water and sanitary sewers through tariffs.
It regulates trade between enclaves through tariffs, import/export restrictions and other methods.
Implicit and explicit subsidies through low tariffs mostly benefit the better-off.
It is indeed tempting to think of taking retaliatory action through tariffs.
Strong competitiveness is also important within the telecommunications sector with measures to promote competitiveness through preferential tariffs.