A two-mile (3 km) trail runs through wetlands south of the lake.
Cutting a wide swath through Westchester woodlands and wetlands also makes no sense.
It flows through wetlands during much of its course.
This trail wanders through a heavily wooded nature area and wetlands.
The road turns more to the west-northwest and runs through wetlands with some homes to the south of the road.
Also worth exploring here is a 0.3-mile nature trail where a raised boardwalk weaves through wetlands.
On its 750 acres, there are 20 trails, a total of 14.8 miles going through wetlands, woodlands, meadows and fields.
They also plan to make sure water flows smoothly through wetlands by cleaning 750,000 feet of ditches.
We drive for an hour along the Transpanteneira, passing through lush wetlands to get to the river.
The trails pass through wetlands, meadows, and wooded areas in several loops.