Vico C tries to maintain a Christian theme throughout his music.
However, some bands emphasize fast tempos throughout their music.
Their base was love, as it was reflected throughout all their music.
Master Dji knew how to get the attention of the young people, so throughout his music he would talk and also educate them.
The group openly embrace their religious beliefs and the use of Islam is extensive throughout their music.
They operate the way ecstasy works throughout Bjork's music, as an urgent antidote.
Themes of freedom (philosophy), mathematics and mysticism appear throughout the band's music.
Blitz's multifaceted lead guitar work also made a significant impact throughout the Doctors' music.
However, it was the sound of the blues that is most woven throughout his music since the early 1990s.
The band fuses classical, industrial, and art-rock themes throughout their music.