He won with dummy's diamond ace, throwing a heart from his hand.
The flashlight had been thrown from her hand, but with the aid of Helen's light, she soon found it.
He then led the club seven, and threw a heart from his hand.
South won with the ace, throwing a club from his hand, and led a trump.
He cashed the two heart winners, throwing a club from his hand, and led a diamond.
South won the opening heart lead with dummy's ace, throwing a diamond from his hand.
Instead he led a second club, and South won in dummy throwing a spade from his hand.
He could throw clubs from his hand and crossruff at the end to make 10 tricks.
He threw a heart from his hand, won with the diamond ace and led a heart.
West continued with the club jack, and South won with dummy's king, throwing a heart from his hand.