In their early live shows, the duo would sometimes throw meat and eyeballs into the crowd.
With the foreign paparazzi, it's like they're being thrown raw meat.
Showing fear to Hu was like throwing bloody meat to a pack of wild dogs.
"You do not throw meat on the ground!"
He looked in on the females every evening, throwing wood and meat at them.
Hey, did you know I even threw meat to those dogs to save you?
Why are his spokespersons throwing red meat to Fox's angry white men?
The Packers have one of the best offenses in the game, and starting a rookie against that group is like throwing meat to the wolves.
Then, throwing meat over an open flame can be a transcendent experience.
The film, which cost a reported $200,000, was shot using real sharks, with the actors in the water throwing meat to distract them.