The chief threw part of it on the ground and drank the rest.
By throwing part of our nation's history out of our memory forever, we may pave the way for even bigger mistakes.
She handed him a mug and, throwing part of the blanket over his shoulders, deliberately sat close beside him.
However, Abimelech was injured by a woman throwing part of a millstone on his head.
Someone had thrown part of a cloak about him; however, that garment served very little to hide what had been done here.
Was the perfume throwing part of it?
They made him throw part of it away into the snow.
One typist's husband caught sight of the sexual material and threw part of the manuscript into the fire.
He thrust pipes into the ground, and they had nozzles at the end which threw part of the water backward.
He pulled her down to the edge of the bed and threw part of the spread about her shoulders.