Sunlight sparkles off the water, cool drinks are set out on the stylish table, and sun umbrellas throw delicious patterns of shade.
With Taylor out, teams have also been more willing to throw to their backs and attempt deeper patterns, knowing that Taylor is absent.
Even angled correctly the lights aren't good, throwing spurious and distracting patterns to the sides of your vision with little penetration into the darkness.
The candles had burned out, and moonlight streaked the screens, throwing silver-grey patterns on the tile.
Dying sunlight coming through the blinds of a large picture window throws patterns of lines on the slick floor.
She forced herself to lie still and reason it out: just a bright full moon and restless clouds throwing patterns across the wall.
The flame flickered and danced, throwing patterns of light over the three girls sitting cross-legged around it.
The flickering indicator lights threw sinister patterns across his cheeks.
The dusk and the shifting leaves made it hard to see, throwing unexpected patterns of shadow in her way.
The torches in their holders flared and smoked, throwing fantastic patterns against the walls.