Despite police presence, Kühnen led the group in throwing stones and other projectiles at cars crossing the border.
The player controls Marty and attempts to defeat enemies by jumping on or throwing projectiles at them.
It was capped off with Esperance fans throwing projectiles onto the field and attempting to get past the security barricade.
As the Hulk, the player can jump, punch, kick, and pick up certain large objects to throw as projectiles.
These machines were designed to throw heavy projectiles from a "bowl-shaped bucket at the end of its arm".
Otherwise, throwing rocks, or other projectiles including sharp objects, by hand is likely to work only out of water.
Many protesters fought back, throwing rocks and other projectiles at the police, while others that were attacked were simply trying to flee the scene.
Magic rings vary from powering up the hero to using them as magical throwing projectiles.
He can accomplish many feats with thrown projectiles that are impossible outside of fiction.
The staff sling can throw heavy projectiles a much greater distance and at a higher arc than a hand sling.