Was it the throwaway joke about Iraq?
The second post was probably just a throwaway joke to you, but to me it was a bigoted, smug and inflammatory comment.
(It's a throwaway joke that such out-of-control police specimens are supposed to be keeping our streets safe.)
It's more I worry that someone will read my throwaway jokes on Twitter and think this guy isn't as good as he used to be.
Mr. Williams scores with a few throwaway jokes.
But it's not really about Drood; that's more of a throwaway joke than anything.
But the story is never as important as the film's atmosphere, physical humor and throwaway jokes.
But the invocation of Zhang Yimou's name is more than a throwaway joke.
Episodes of the first season typically end with a scene that is not crucial to the plot, often functioning as a throwaway joke.
Komarov resisted the idea of re-recording "Good Morning 1985" to the last, calling it "a throwaway joke".