The thrust nozzles sagged.
RD-33OVT engine variant comes with thrust vectoring nozzles, and can direct thrust in two directions or planes.
With the help of thrust vectoring nozzles, this aircraft can perform the famous Pugachev's Cobra maneuver.
The 3BSM is a thrust vectoring nozzle which allows the main engine exhaust to be deflected downward at the tail of the aircraft.
Eurojet is attempting to find funding to test a thrust vectoring nozzle (TVN) on a flight demonstrator.
All scramjet engines have an intake which compresses the incoming air, fuel injectors, a combustion chamber, and a divergent thrust nozzle.
Thus throttling of the entrance to the thrust nozzle is not a usable control technique.
A newly designed thrust vectoring nozzle (TVN) is now available.
Without warning, one or another of the thrust nozzles would swivel, grazing me with jets of collimated flame.
This system was later replaced by a vectored thrust nozzle, developed by Williams International, which resulted in reduced weight and simplified manufacturing processes.