"He's committed to the overall production of a piece rather than wanting to put his thumb mark all over it, which nevertheless he quietly does."
There was a brutal, red thumb mark just at the point where her shoulders met her neck.
I would expect a thumb mark on the right, but that's obscured by the mark of the knot.
Inspector Alvarez, a colleague of Vucetich, went to the scene and found a bloody thumb mark on a door.
The box is a yellow, half-pound honeydew box, with nothing distinctive save two thumb marks at the left bottom corner.
Crime of passion, lots of thumb marks on the front.
There were seven; and all parallel, except the thumb mark, as though made with one hand.
"We will not allow any suspect thumb marks," roared the young chief electoral officer, a sweat breaking out on his neck.
Strangled by a man in front of him, thumb marks - bloody great bruises, on either side of the windpipe.
Odo looked up, his rough voice laden with a sudden meaning, his eyes like two thumb marks in clay.