Meanwhile, and in case anybody asks, a Spider's dash lights are controlled by a thumb wheel underneath the instrument panel.
They developed what was a thumb wheel for their companies, the (original) "Mighty Mouse."
It has 22 brightly illuminated buttons (including 10 numeric keys) and a thumb wheel on the side.
But he added that the consumer reaction to the Pearl suggested that business users would not miss thumb wheels.
You navigate through on-screen options by using a thumb wheel.
But the Rio's thumb wheel has no such variable speed; it's four songs per turn, period.
Birding requires adjusting the focus quickly, so try the thumb wheel before you buy.
Wink replied as he worked the thumb wheel of the radar control handle between his legs.
The commissar looked at the slate, winding the decoded information across the little plate with a touch of the thumb wheel.
The thumb wheel, however, was mounted in an incredibly awkward place, and he found himself hard pressed to move it.