It crashed over him in thunderous waves, one after another, coming seemingly from the sun-drenched sky above him.
He could barely hear the voices over the screeching wind and thunderous waves.
Waves of he poured from him into Caeled, thunderous waves like su beating upon the shore.
There was a whispering rustle of air, then a great, rolling, thunderous wave of sound as the B-52 shot over his head.
A thunderous wave of applause swept down on him.
I put my last ounce of strength into swimming obliquely across the thunderous waves.
While guests sit in the warmth behind picture windows, Mother Nature provides a free show, with thunderous waves and lashing winds.
The beating of the drums increased in tempo and volume until the sound rolled forth in thunderous waves.
It was washed this evening by the thunderous waves of an offshore storm combined with high tide.
The white line of the horizon had moved right up to the land - thunderous waves.