For the next ten minutes the tension grew aboard the French ships as the minutes ticked away towards 2 p.m.
His suit told him as much, chirruping with detailed analyses of the way the substrate was altering; quantum indices ticking towards unexplored new realms.
As the clock ticked towards 70 minutes, Cork never really looked assured.
Boos rang out throughout the venue and the clock ticked towards midnight as puzzled organisers scurried around the building shutting doors and switching off air conditioning systems.
As the hand on the Centre clock ticked towards six, Sidney, David and I were still huddled in the small staff room, getting increasingly impatient.
For a few minutes he'd forgotten that they were adrift, had forgotten about the time bombs ticking towards midnight.
As the clock ticked towards full time Jake Harris scored the equaliser in the 87th minute having only been on the pitch for nine minutes.
Did the film team just happen upon him by chance in the bar as his meter ticked towards 'maudlin'?
With the clock ticking towards the handover, the key question is whether the new force will be able to get a grip on the endemic insecurity.
As the clock ticked towards the appointed hour, the bridegroom and his best man arrived to huge applause from the crowd.