As per this, he was prepared to offer a ticket refund to 5,000 viewers across India if they did not like the film.
(The ticket refund would automatically show up with other credit card data.)
Xinhua reported that 11 million migrant workers in the Guangdong area received ticket refunds.
The ticket refund that BA promised would be returned to my account immediately has still not appeared.
Anyone looking forward to rigidly held arms or delicate fiddle melodies should look into ticket refunds.
For the three shows that Coal Chamber played, there were multiple ticket refunds.
As of today, only 30 Jet fans have asked for ticket refunds.
The owners lost a still undetermined amount from ticket refunds.
It owes about $100,000 in ticket refunds to patrons and another $100,000 to vendors.
No ticket refunds for last night's game will be issued, the Yankees announced.