The reason this movie didn't do better domestically is, quite frankly, the ticket-buying audience somehow rejected the idea of these two terrific actors in this kind of movie.
However, the theater's publicity does not alert the ticket-buying audience that the theater considers the first week of performances previews in which to work out technical problems.
I think our potential ticket-buying audience is still in shock.
For two weeks every summer, a ticket-buying audience as eclectic as the four directors chosen for each series makes its way to the theater at St. Mark's Church in the East Village.
I suppose that's between him and the ticket-buying audience.
Apart from Hindi, plays were also produced in dialects such as Bundelkhandi, Malavi and Chhatisgarhi which created huge ticket-buying audiences for the Rangmandira.
In fact, the movie probably sells tickets precisely because it delivers the old-fashioned Indians that the ticket-buying audience expects to find.
The brief in-person pitches feature actors scattered among the ticket-buying audience who stand and deliver lines that evoke the words spoken by poets at events known as slams or jams.
Since then the ticket-buying audience has more than tripled and, Ms. Henson said, the ancient art has been transformed into a hot new art form.
"It's very hard, with such a proliferation of musicals, for a straight play to be able to punch its weight in terms of getting a reaction from a ticket-buying audience."