He had the ticklish job of replacing the late, great Ruby Levine.
Brendan had done well in my absence, and outside of one or two ticklish jobs he'd left for me, Maintenance was current.
Shrevvy was much better qualified for that very ticklish job.
They had just twenty-seven minutes to finish this ticklish job.
He had to work his way through a couple of barb-wire fences and in the dark, that was a ticklish job to do.
Well, he couldn't think about her now; he had a ticklish job ahead of him.
I've got rather a ticklish job for him to do and I want you to stand by.
It's a ticklish job blasting through to what Cornish miners call the house of water.
Chapter 8 It was a ticklish job getting the car out of the garage and into the street.
He had a ticklish job still to accomplish - and the elevator was dropping fast toward the ground level.