In Malikiya, a town of one and two-story buildings, the tide of angry voices at the Saturday market eventually led to a march on city hall.
In the accompanying figure, the low tide lags or leads by 1 hr 2 min from its neighboring lines.
That tide which, taken at the flood, would lead Seth Pecksniff on to fortune, was marked down in the table, and about to flow.
'There is a tide in the affairs of man, which taken at the flood, leads on to.' heaven knows what and where.
Although not solely caused by Ida, high tides along the Texas coastline led to a few road closures.
Oil spills and red tide have led to closure of fishing areas.
A high tide had led to predictions of one of the largest bores of the year.
But the growing tide of American conservatism, begun in the 1950s, eventually led to a populist backlash against federal funding of social research.
Yet even if no one knows where the tide of anger will lead, few doubt that the tide has been growing.
The tide of Republican sentiment against immigration reform legislation he sponsored also led to the erosion of his lead.