Those ties, called keiretsu relationships, have often proved practically impossible to unknot, even after the conclusion of government-to-government agreements.
Kinship and ties of affinity proved more than merely useful to the traders.
Even in the land whose political structures gave rise to the term "byzantine," untangling those ties is proving a daunting challenge.
But their indirect ties to Castle Grande are more numerous still and so far have proved harder to dismiss.
But Marsh's extensive and lesser-known ties to the rest of the industry may prove much harder to untangle.
These ties would later prove to be invaluable to Pt.
Yet I must warn that close ties between members of radically different societies can prove disastrous to everyone involved.
But her ties to her old home eventually proved too strong.
But a study released yesterday found a new one: Almost half the ties worn by doctors in a Queens hospital proved to be carrying pathogens.