George would be at Bandon, tied up like someone from an adventure cube, to be rescued later and reunited with his friends.
Frank brought the boat to shore, and they tied up to the dock on the opposite side from the red motorboat.
Beans makes his move by tying up the enemy officers from a distance with a rope.
The fifth book serves to tie up loose ends from The Flying Warlord.
I tied up the horse about a mile from the city.
Captain Kirk wants to know why there's a Kitka tied up down the ledge from us.
When writing the episode, Carter wanted to tie up loose ends from the previous seasons.
But can she tie up the frayed loose ends from her chaotic, tragic past?
Balderston's screenplay involved tying up loose ends from the original film.
Ostrander wrote the first six issues of this new series, tying up some dangling plot threads from Hawkworld.