At meetings on Jan. 22 and 23, the committee reaffirmed its absolute claim to power but agreed to give state enterprises more decision-making authority, allow two candidates to compete for some posts and tie wages more closely to production, the agency said.
But Mr. Greenspan went on to tie stagnant wages firmly to his main concern at the Federal Reserve, which has been to control inflation.
The agreement gives Pratt & Whitney what it demanded - tying wages to productivity and freezing raises until late 1995 - in exchange for a promise not to use sub-contractors and to keep open its five plants in Connecticut open.
The players say Bettman's proposal for tying wages to revenues is a salary cap in disguise.
Over 2 million workers are covered by collective bargaining agreements which tie wages to the CPI.
The code says a factory must pay at least the minimum wage of the country where it is situated, with an eye to tying wages to the workers' basic needs.
They were willing to tie wages to output by various systems of 'piecework', which seem to have spread during our period, and to point out that the workers had best be thankful to have work at all, since there was a large reserve army outside, waiting for their jobs.
He introduced a new economic stabilization programme, which tied the prices and wages to an automatic full compensation.
After World War II, Kellogg promoted a new ethic that tied higher wages to boosts in productivity.
To reduce the desire for formal negotiating sessions but to remove suspicions that workers in the American South are being treated as low-cost, both the American plants tie wages to national car-industry levels, taking an average of pay at American and other car makers.