Singapore seeks a "complementary" economic relationship with China but does not want to become "exclusively tied to China - because that's uncomfortable," the minister said.
Discounters used to be confined to selling cheaper brands, since expensive bikes are tied exclusively to specialized dealers.
Then something unexpected happened: the romance of work, something the Schalks long thought was tied exclusively to fixing big jetliners, began to return.
Craven had also indicated that the Springbok was exclusively tied to the white identity of the national rugby team.
From 2006 forward, service offerings have been exclusively tied to the eVU product, including warranty service, media content procurement/refreshing and hardware repair.
Though regarded as a Presbyterian, he was not exclusively tied to Presbyterianism, and often seemed prepared to accept a modified Episcopalianism.
We now have Republicans claiming that "education" is unimportant if it is not exclusively tied to "a task, a job, some employment or business".
Their fee is tied exclusively to seeing their candidate ascend.
Astaire was still unwilling to have his career tied exclusively to any partnership, however.
As was customary at the time, Quinn was not tied exclusively to any one record company.