They say they are concerned that tigers may escape and that animal waste may contaminate their well water.
To make matters worse, Fozzie decides to take his act solo and a tiger has escaped.
In September 1996, a tiger named Giggo escaped when the double doors in its yard were left open, and was put down.
This tiger, Dan, has escaped from a train that was carrying him to a zoo.
Officials of the New York City Housing Authority were trying to determine how the tiger escaped the notice of workers at the complex.
The tiger escaped and was killed by Kulafu in an encounter.
On Christmas day 2007 the zoo made headlines for all the wrong reasons when a Siberian tiger escaped from its enclosure, killing one person and injuring two others.
On December 25, 2007, the same tiger escaped from her grotto and attacked three zoo visitors after being taunted by the visitors.
Three other tigers who shared Tatiana's grotto did not escape.
Mr. Chanda said that in the history of the state's Exotic and Nongame Wildlife permits, no tiger had ever escaped.