The military took advantage of the situation to increase its political power and budget, and to impose tighter censorship and controls on civilian political activity.
Because of tight censorship, Iraqis know nothing about President Hussein's purchases of luxury items for his palaces over the last few years.
However, after a failed Communist revolt that year, Effendi's works could no longer be published because of the tighter censorship.
They initially took steps to liberalize the regime, granting some civil liberties and easing Trujillo's tight censorship of the press.
Perhaps still better to put it out over a clandestine beam attributed to the Terran scientists still with us while our official channels display the classic stigmata of tight censorship.
The new Communist regime destroyed books that threatened the official national ideology, and imposed a tight censorship on all new publications.
This period was to see even tighter censorship, and monitoring of foreigners and Jacobin or liberal tendencies.
The Administration has sought to persuade Judge Gesell to impose tighter censorship on testimony and documents in the North trial to avoid unauthorized disclosure of secrets.
He'd been somewhat repressed on his home world and had kept a tight censorship on his feelings.
He is now editor of his own weekly newspaper, which like all publications in Vietnam is subject to tight censorship.