Strips for the handlebar unfortunately have to be thinner, just under in, because of the tighter radius bends.
When the liner is forced around a tight radius the label lifts away and protrudes through the front or top of the dispenser.
The cables are flexed only in a small region in a tight radius and so need to be very flexible.
Calls to various locations within such a tight geographical radius that he could probably have reached them all by shouting.
The effect, however, is that the car can turn in a much tighter radius than is normally possible.
He leaned forward, as Sulu hugged the ship around in a tight radius.
This is due to northbound traffic having to merge into a one-lane loop with a tight radius.
It's very intimate, with a tight radius to the stage.
Even for sharp angle bends with a tight radius, heating may not be necessary.
The jim crow is needed to bend rails to tighter radii, especially near the ends.