The project also tightened procedures for monitoring new drugs on the market to spot quickly adverse side effects.
It would also tighten procedures for identifying and penalizing people who try to evade jury duty.
The company, Mr. White says, has also tightened its policies and procedures for managing derivatives risks.
A Government minister said today that Britain was considering moves to tighten operating procedures on its ferries.
He says he is cutting costs, tightening procedures and getting products to markets faster.
Maine's methadone clinics are cooperating with state officials and have agreed to tighten procedures.
Now the group has stepped in to tighten procedures so that the tests mimic real-world driving conditions.
The challenge for Leveson is to tighten procedures that help prevent wrongdoing without killing an already sickly patient.
The Washington Bancorporation agreed to tighten management practices and procedures after defaulting on about $26 million in short-term debt.
More recently, increased air traffic, tightened procedures, and stricter operating limits have made it harder to achieve.