The press is calling for the government to tighten regulation of foreign companies investing in new projects.
Tennessee is one of many states tightening regulations on the relationship between lawmakers, lobbyists and special interests.
In response to foreign concerns the government has promised to tighten regulation of its offshore financial centre.
Californians who support medical uses of marijuana see the danger and are already moving to tighten regulations.
The legislation will tighten regulation of insurance companies and is expected to extend medical coverage to more than 30 million uninsured Americans.
Despite perfunctory attempts by the city to tighten regulations, few substantive changes actually appear on the books.
Environmental groups have tried for years to tighten regulations, but the pest control industry has effectively blocked most proposals.
The board believes the best course for now is to tighten American regulations over cruise ships flying foreign flags.
The government says the decree just tightens current regulations.
We must therefore do the hardest thing of all, which is to attain high international standards, not only tighten regulations within European borders.