The alley walls were whitewashed, garbage cans neatly stacked, tightly capped.
The cavity contained some small jars of dark glass, tightly capped, and a few pounds of earth packed snugly in plastic bags.
To keep the medicine in the cup from spilling, store the inhalation system upright and tightly capped with the plugs when not in use.
The pills themselves, if stored tightly capped, out of the sun and away from strong smells, can be kept for years without loss of potency.
But benefits are usually tightly capped and restrictions apply as to where treatment is performed.
This solution may be stored if the container is tightly capped to prevent evaporation of the solvent.
All products should be tightly capped after use.
The ingredients were mixed, the sugar dissolved and the mixture poured into the jars, which were tightly capped.
Again, low-income patients are at a disadvantage since Medicaid support for outpatient visits is tightly capped.
Bottles and jars were wiped clean, tightly capped, and stored.