Sarah stared at the thirty-four-gun frigate, her infamous black sails furled tightly against the huge masts.
Naked masts, their sails tightly furled, pointed at the sky as the rain dripped off the rigging.
The ones I chose were pink and yellow, tightly furled like flags before glory.
With its injured wings tightly furled against its body, the wyvern started to climb.
Ships, their sails tightly furled, their hatches battened down, rocked at anchor.
With his keen vision, Kith-Kanan could see a three-masted ship wallowing in the offshore swells, its sails furled tightly against the yards.
All jibs, spankers, tops'ls, and t'gallants tightly furled.
Beside it, crouched, an impossible beast lapped at the water with its long tongue, its bronze wings furled tightly on the length of its huge back.
No-he was only a lieutenant by his uniform, and he carried two flags tightly furled and strapped to his saddle.
Even more so was the sight of four griffins leading the horde, their eagle-tine heads raised above the rest of the crowd, wings tightly furled but still unmistakable.