The county's troubles stem from a sharp reduction in timber revenues and rising costs.
In exchange, the counties receive a portion of the timber revenue from the land.
As timber revenue on the O&C lands has declined over the years, counties have faced financial difficulty as they struggle to fill the revenue gap.
In more remote rural areas far from cities, TRL has replaced bookmobiles with buildings using grant funds and timber revenue.
Fifty percent of timber revenues would be given to Coos County.
Many counties in southern Oregon had long used timber revenues, paid through an agreement with the federal government, to cover basic local government needs.
Mr. Lowry opposes the idea, saying it would cost jobs and hurt the state's badly depleted common school fund, which depends on timber revenue.
Many tribal members found work in logging, but the tribe largely missed out on the timber revenues.
With Olynthus defeated, Amyntas was now able to conclude a treaty with Athens and keep the timber revenues for himself.
On April 30, 1954, Lafferty won a successful appeal to return $6 million in timber revenue to the O&C counties.