Last year more lumber from private timber tracts in the Northwest was exported than was cut from all of the region's 19 national forests.
But there are many rough clearings among the timber tracts.
The more than 2,600 independent certified tree farmers of Washington, Oregon and California have carefully nurtured their timber tracts for generations.
As development of Beaufort and surrounding areas began in the last half of the 20th Century, the island began to develop former plantation and timber tracts into residential subdivisions.
It is found in the southeastern United States on sandy beaches, in corn and cotton fields, and in hedge rows and open timber tracts.
The mice prefer sandy fields and beaches but will choose corn and cotton fields and occasionally hedgerows and open timber tracts.
Built the Georgia Northern Railroad in southern Georgia, where he owned large timber tracts.
Slaves quarried sandstone near the Black Warrior River, burned and made bricks on the spot, and cut lumber from The University's own timber tract.
Cathedral State Park is the largest virgin timber tract remaining in West Virginia.
The BLM came up with a solution that allowed logging to continue in the area, which included the sale of timber on 44 timber tracts to the logging industry.