Why should he waste their time (and his) applying for jobs he doesn't want?
The new starting time for the elite women will apply only to the 50 or so that are projected to run 2:40 or faster.
If the first accounts cover a period of 12 months or less, the normal time allowed for delivering accounts applies.
This time around he applied the lessons he'd learned from previous experiences with major record labels, and went the independent route.
It may be the case that time as a concept doesn't apply to the White Hot Room.
How to write a plan outlining which resources to allocate and how much time to apply.
The times below apply to both remand and convicted prisoners.
Cut-off times apply for all checkpoints and the daily finish line.
Joost is yet another incarnation of the same basic technology, this time applied to video distribution.
This proved, however, not to be the case, and only the second time the Rule did not apply.