The rental of an apartment for additional time cost from $120 a person a week.
Moving libraries around causes no problems at all, although users incur a time cost when first starting the system.
This process can take a considerable amount of time, another hidden time cost.
Forge's neutralizer for a time cost Storm her mutant abilities.
It had a manufacturer's suggested retail price of US$299 when most other digital cameras at the time cost well over $1000.
It is fun for sure, but the time cost just got to be a bit much for me at this stage.
This study did not explicitly compare these two treatments in terms of time costs and discomfort.
While they may buy upgrades and replacement parts, for many people purchasing a bike is a one time cost.
These packages are cheaper than the basic time cost, since they take away the advertiser's control over when the ad is to appear.
When you don't go to a doctor, it's because you can't afford the time cost.