As time marched on, so did technology.
Then he burst loudly into song in a shaky baritone, keeping time with our steps as we marched along.
The paper with its printed record remained in Lee's hand, and time marched on past the deadline regardless.
But this time, instead of waiting for the Poles, Khmelnytsky marched against them.
But as time marched on my chance slipped away.
Still, Martin sensed that time was marching ahead without his younger countrymen making their mark - on clay or any other surface.
"There is a great deal more to be done and time and history are marching on."
There is much to be done, and little time, for Philippos will march upon the city within a few days.
Twenty or more times a day he marched unevenly up the driveway and rushed down struggling to fly.
Louder this time, as he marched back into the bedroom.