At a time of monetary constraint, it is inexplicable why license-payers' money should be squandered in this manner.
Sadly, at a time of financial constraint in both health authority and local authority spending, such a commitment seems unlikely to be forthcoming.
In a time of financial constraint, it also reflects well on the team that the project was completed on time and within budget.
Even in a time of budgetary constraint, to cut back on a sexual health campaign is the worst kind of false economy.
In times of budgetary constraint, a fund like this can offer benefits.
While superficially comfortable, it was a time of constraint and depression.
The 1990s were a time of financial constraint as the Alberta government made significant budgetary cutbacks.
It needs to deliver better public services in a time of fiscal constraint.
"Especially during times of fiscal constraint, it is important to leave no stone unturned when searching for revenues owed to the city," Mr. Miller said.
Where will such financial resources come from at a time of widespread fiscal constraint?