At a time of rampant debate on the environment, it can also be a bit controversial.
It is, after all, a time of renewed debate about the Rockefeller legacy.
So why the opposition and after all this time, eighteen months of debate.
The decision comes at a time of intense national debate about fraud and other illegal practices in the securities industry.
The report comes at a time of increasing debate and public concern about the ability of the state's hospitals to provide quality care.
The decision comes at a time of political debate over whether the American military should be withdrawn and, if so, how rapidly.
It was a time of heated political debate between internationalists and isolationists.
La Silhouette was initially known as a moderate journal in a time of intense political debate.
The ceremony on the river came at a time of intense Indian debate over Gandhi.
Finally, the Georgian period was a time of moral questioning and debate.