By the time of the 50th anniversary in 1977, the airline carried over 10 million passengers in a year for the first time.
The fields owner is a widow who, around the time of the 10th anniversary of the death of her husband, decides to sell the field.
In later years he took part in commemorative activities in Selma at the time of the anniversary of the famous march.
By the time of the first anniversary of his death, the fund had exceeded $30,000.
By the time of the 11th anniversary of the 4 February 1992 coup attempt, the strike was virtually over outside the oil industry.
By the time of the 50th anniversary of the company in October, 1916 they were among the largest manufacturers and distributors of shoes in America.
By the time of the 20th anniversary of the camp's closure proposals for a physical memorial to the camp's existence had made no progress.
Special events took place throughout the year, culminating in a final fund-raising appeal around the time of the actual anniversary in November 2007.
By the time of the thirtieth anniversary, those wings had been remodeled to a traditional permanent wall arrangement.
The issue of gender equality deserves appropriate attention, particularly at the time of the hundredth anniversary of International Women's Day.