They ran away at the time of the first rebellion and they have been living in some city or other ever since.
Given that he was between 50 and 60 years old at the time of the rebellion, he was probably born around 760.
Thus, by the time of the rebellion the Acaxee probably numbered only a few thousand.
Certainly they number among their ancestors the mutineers who escaped death at the time of the rebellion.
This song illustrates the deep divisions which existed in Ireland at the time of the 1798 rebellion.
He also lived in Kent at the time of the 1381 rebellion.
In this biographical piece, he told his own and Wallis's "little stories during the time of the late rebellion".
He is also depicted as a much younger man than he was at the time of the rebellion.
There is evidence that the name existed even at the time of the rebellion.
Those debates started at the time of the rebellion.