Gruemon flees and has a time ship, with which he can travel through time.
In itself, I didn't like the combination of space warships and time ships.
His "spacecraft" is in fact a dimensional time ship.
The other three make it to the landing pad, but a Cyberman emerges from the time ship and kills them.
This time both cargo ships reported in and the mechanical arms were safely delivered to the Citadel.
It was Spock who materialized before the other time ship, still at the foot of the cliff.
There weren't very many purely sentimental requests, since those things had been taken aboard the time ship and either brought back or abandoned.
Getting slowly to his feet as a hundred soldiers raced toward him, Johnny looked back toward the starship-the time ship.
Besides, the space- time ship might come in handy at some point, if and when it cured itself of its ailments.
The answer came when Arthur announced that the space- time ship had completed its repair work.