ASPECT is notable for being one of the first DVD-based chronicles of time-based media.
Some of the technologies and methods of production are drawing, offset printing, photography, and time-based and interactive media (film, video, computer multimedia).
He then went on to get his graduate degree form the Sydney College of the Arts in 1982 after which he began focusing on electronic and time-based media.
The pressures on time-based media and live interaction with code has led to a number of novel developments and uses in programming language design.
The studios accommodate a wide variety of disciplines, including painting, sculpture, print, installation and time-based and digital media.
Ardele Lister is an artist working in time-based media.
The School of Fine Art is dedicated to providing specialist undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in painting, sculpture, print and digital media and time-based media.
In an interview with the architectural historian, Richard Tuttle, Hall explained his shift to still photography as "a need to free myself from the narrative of time-based media.
Willis' concentration in her studies were oil painting, time-based media and performance.
Lens-based and time-based media represent a new area of growth, with works by Nigel Poor, Catherine Wagner, Rebeca Bollinger, and Alan Rath.