We followed the time-honored principle underlying every commercial venture.
The opponents argue that trials of this sort violate the time-honored legal principle that there is no punishment without a law.
Progres-sivity is a time-honored principle often forgotten in the political debates.
The mos maiorum was collectively the time-honored principles, behavioral models, and social practices that affected private, political, and military life in ancient Rome.
Forging new ideas anchored by time-honored Democratic principles of work and responsibility is a policy debate worth having, and one that Democrats can win.
It was a time-honored principle that the less said, the better.
Conkling raised the time-honored principle of senatorial courtesy in an attempt to defeat the nomination, but to no avail.
Where is the time-honored American principle of "innocence until proven guilty"?
Not only Catholics but all citizens who believe in our time-honored principle of the separation of church and state, will greet this incursion with dismay.
Arilinn will hold to the ancient truths, the time-honored principles that have made us great.