Charlton Heston, as the head of the intelligence agency, wears an eye patch and gives orders in time-honored spy-movie style.
The rest of the casting, in time-honored disaster-movie style, is entertainingly familiar.
And in time-honored nouveau-riche style, the affluent citizens of a city made rich from silver enjoy dressing to the nines.
He was too stunned to fight back in the time-honored style of a professional politician.
Over the years, the Gush created a counterculture that enabled members to withdraw, in time-honored fundamentalist style, from secular Israel.
The painted Christ in a time-honored and Greek style.
It sounds different, partly on the strength of its instruments, many of them - wind instruments, especially - made in a time-honored Austrian style.
His hair was clipped short, in time-honored military style, and nearly all white now.
In time-honored American style, he began fixing potholes and roadways, including the road from the airport to the city center.
All they have to do is split the difference in time-honored legislative style.