Flaws aside, the latest computer programs and services are a welcome time-saving device for the harried investor, Money concludes.
Paradoxically, these time-saving devices leave him with so little family time that he communicates with his only son, Alexander, largely by e-mail.
In this day of the airmail and other time-saving devices.
One thing I learned from my dad, who learned it from his dad, is there's no time-saving devices in this business.
This is the age of time-saving devices.
In his view screeners, rather than being a time-saving device for overworked journalists, were an especially corrupting form of graft.
It is sometimes used simply as a time-saving device, especially at the end of the session.
One demographic group that does not appear to be as dependent on time-saving devices as the population at large is people age 60 and up.
First of all, this time-saving device cannot provide a short cut to the peeling, shopping and so forth, that is often necessary before the cooking starts.
Children, in this view, are as harried as their parents and equally in need of time-saving devices.