Matter was converted into nonmaterial hyper-impulses and transmitted across the timeless 5th dimension.
The sound too adds a timeless dimension of endless desert days and nights.
Upon its final defeat the Horde was sentenced to exile in the timeless dimension of Despondos.
I can best describe this place as a timeless dimension of the mind, though it must also have a physical component to it, since my body survived within it.
Perhaps we would find ourselves in some other dimension, one free of hurry and worry, violence and corruption, a dimension timeless and unblemished.
The small black Druuf vessel was torn out of the 4th dimension with unimaginable force and hurled into the spaceless and timeless 5th dimension.
The scene seemed transported from some dimension of long ago: pure, immediate, timeless.
One might, for example, pass into a timeless dimension and emerge at some remote period of the earth's history as young as before.
Batzaar is the ancient red dragon who guards the Eliatrope children left in the timeless dimension.
They were borne aloft on a wave of emotion, transported to another plane, another timeless dimension beyond the bounds of physical reality.